Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in the workplace are about bringing people from multiple classes of society irrespective of economic or social background. As diversity and inclusion have so many advantages, many MNCs have made provisions in HR policies and Hiring Process.
Diversity in the workplace is defined as a trait of company culture wherein the workforce composition includes employees of different genders, ages, sexual orientations, religions, languages, abilities, professional backgrounds, socioeconomic backgrounds, and educational backgrounds.
Diversity in the workplace is nothing but adding people from a different section of society that adds value to the organization irrespective of their gender, sexual orientation, religion, caste, language, socio-economical background, abilities, disabilities, or colour.
Diversity makes the world a single platform for every living human and gives rights to every individual for contributing their part to the well-being of society and off course, earning bread and butter for their living.
Diversity goes hand to hand with Equality, Equity and Inclusion. Now, talking about inclusion, you might have heard that New Zealand Cricket board have decided to offer equal match fee for both male and female cricketers. Also, the Man of the Match title has been now changed to player of the Match in cricket. So that is how “Inclusion” is defined with the example that every individual on the same platform and at the same level in the hierarchy, irrespective of colour, gender or abilities, should be treated equally with equal compensation as other people in the same organization.
As far as Equity is concerned, Equity helps an individual to get appropriate support from the organization in every way possible. For Instance, Tony stark was in and out of jail for a period of time, later in his life, he got opportunities to learn acting and get chances in big-budget films. So, providing opportunities to individuals as per their competencies and treating them at par with other employees of the organization is what equity is
Benefits of Diversity at Workplace:
Diversity at the workplace is not seen to be a big concern to many companies but They have a huge impact on employee morale and engagement level. When we talk about the benefits or importance of workplace diversity, merit-based diversity is really been booming and is found to be the most phenomenal concept so far. Merit-based Diversity is about hiring candidates based on their performance at a time or interview and further are given opportunities for growth in terms of training and vacation based on their excellence demonstrated. We now are about to see some important points on why to promote diversity in the workplace.
Very few organizations do believe in ethics these days as people are building networks and using personal connections for professional as well as personal opportunities. Sharing of ideas and views on any project or policies is restricted when we have similar people around. That is where people from diverse background helps in adding ideas, values and their opinion. Job opportunities hall be provided based on merit and not based on candidate’s family background and affluence.
Not too Stimulus to change.
People from diverse classes of society don’t work in a pattern or follow a typical process. Each of them bring in new set of ideas and creativity based on their experiences and conditioning. Thus leading to innovation and balanced decision making in the organization.
Merit-based hiring prioritizes the sheer quality of talent above personal intuition, existing professional networks, or any form of bias.
Improved Culture Awareness
For any company that is present globally, employees from different regions and speaking different languages will help in Improving Work Culture in the organization. Workplace diversity examples can be like, if an American company’s sale is in India and the company has employees from Indian origin, it can help the company communicate better with clients and government agencies. Same is with Indian MNC whose major trade is in the Middle East, employee speaking Arabic can help organisations to boost sales by connecting in local language. This is a positive Impact of diversity in the Workplace.
Increase in Marketing opportunity and connecting relations with customers.
You might have not yet forgot a commercial of Red Label tea that a transgender was knocking on the window of a car. The old lady has a perception that the bisexual always asks for money, so she offered 10 rupees to the bisexual where she replied that she has started a tea stall and she is offering free tea to everyone. That was so heart-warming and the old lady then blessed that transgender women that she will be successful with the business. This kind of multi diverse work culture helps to communicate with your customers to buy your products and send a perfect example of promoting diversity in the workplace.
So this was my opinion l about diversity and inclusion. I hope you had some IDEA about the term, benefits and impact of D&I at the workplace. For your views, please text in the comment section and don’t forget to share.