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Gender Dynamics refers to the relationship and interaction between and among people, based on gender. Gender Dynamics is nothing but the way in which men and women are treated differently in society, Depending upon how they manifested, gender dynamics can be reinforce or challenge exiting norms.

Why is it important to understand gender dynamics?

Understanding these gender relations and the power dynamics behind them is a prerequisite for understanding individual access to and distribution of resources, the ability to make decisions and the way women, men, boy or a girl are affected politically and in social development.

The most common example for gender dynamics?

For example; Girls should be obedient and cute, they are allowed to cry. Women are better homemakers

For Boys it’s always said: They should be brave, they are not allowed to cry and they are the main breadwinner of the family.

Gender Issues at workplace: Gender inequality places a major role in the workplace. There are few examples for this 

  1. Unequal Pay:  Equal pay for men and women are still not in reality. If we see in the year 2020 women earned 84% of what men were paid for the same job. There are multiple reason to blame for which includes traditional social norms that keep women away from choosing high pay roles and male dominated industries, unequal access to education and discrimination.
  2. Disparity in Promotion: If we see in the workplace, women who are on the same positions as men. The men get promotion faster than women. “We can say for every 100 men promoted to manager position, only 86 women are promoted.” The main problem arises at the higher level of Leadership. 
  3. Incidents of Sexual harassment: An obstacle that women have to face in the workplace is sexual harassment. A lot of women have faced sexual harassment in there course of carrier. 
  4. Racism: Unfortunately, race seems to play a major role in how women are treated and compensated in the workplace. The pay a woman receives may vary depending on her race and ethnicity
  5. Bias against mothers: People have this notion that women are good at home and can take care of the kids well. These bias against women come from different ways i.e. from the hiring committee, colleagues and individuals conducting performance evaluation. When a women is away from office working, everyone things that she is at home and taking care of their Kids.
  6. Higher burnout in women: A women has to play many roles in the society. She has to take care of the office and also take care of their home. According to a survey it is reported that 42% of the women experience more burn out as compared to 35% of men. This is because of the work- stress at work place. This happens because of the chronic atmosphere that is been created by the organisation. 

Ways by which we can resolve this Gender Inequality are:

  1. Be transparent: Transparency at a workplace is one of the core value that every organization should practice for better productivity, greater employee engagement, employee satisfaction and more. The characteristics of a transparent workplace are communication, Honesty, regual feedback to employees about there performance, respect to all Gender.
  2. Support women into more senior roles: There is a stereotype in the organisation that women are not good managers when they hold the senior positions, because women are considered as soft spoken and kind. We need to break this stereotype and make a culture in the organization that breaks this stereotype. We should encourage women to  in the organisation to grow in the current role and continue to move forward, that can be done by offering mentorship  to them and help in building their confidence. 
  3. Implement gender neutral recruitment processes: Every organisation should start working on gender neutral recruitment process in their organisation.  And this can be done by these following points:
  1. Use neutral language in Job description
  2. Make a Score card
  3. Provide  Organizational training around Bias
  4. Interview Location
  1. Review salaries and standardise pay: When it comes to pay there is huge gap between the men and women and the most significant factor is the negotiation. When a woman negotiates her salary, they always receive a poor result as compared to men in the organisation. You can support women in the organisation by normalizing negotiation factor for both men and women. 
  2. Provide training on unconscious bias- Unconscious Bias training helps people make aware that unconscious bias exists and help them take steps to reduce the likelihood that bias will impact their decision making. The Equality and Human Rights Commission has found that training helps awareness that unconscious bias exists. This training is one  of the positive step in an organisation that helps employees at every level to recognise , understand and manager the hidden biases that can lead to poor decision making and undermine DEI initiatives and goal.
  3. Have a clear policy on  non -discrimination-  The principle of non- discrimination seeks to guarantee that human rights are exercised with any discrimination of any kind based on race, sex, colour , language, region, politics, national or social origin, property, birth or other status as disability, age, material and family status. And this can be prevented in the workplace by following points:
  1. Respect Cultural and racial difference in the workplace
  2. Be professional in conduct of Speech.
  3. Avoid race- based or culturally offensive humour or pranks.
  1. Appoint diverse interviewers and implement longer shortlists to hire more women in top positions:  In an organisation the interview panel should be such that should not discriminate between the genders. Equal opportunities should be provided to all the gender. The organisation should maintain the balance in hiring both men and women for the top positions.
  2. Conduct an audit and make salaries transparent: There should be transparency in the salary structure. Every employee in the organization should know about the salary structure and how does it operates.
  3. Give employees the flexibility to work when and where works for them: Employees should be given a flexi work environment, so that their productivity increases and they can perform well. Rather than enforcing a rigid workplace environment or schedule, workplace flexibility acknowledges individual needs and supports better work-life balance and employee well-being.
  4.  Sexual Harassment and Racism: Zero Tolerance: Employees must be provided a safe channel where they can register their complain. Proven cases should be punished. That will help the employee work safely in the organisation.
  5. Offer at least 4 months for paid parental leave: Paid time off to nurture a new child has immense health and career benefits. Establish generous policies for maternity leave. Provide separate parental leave for fathers, to encourage men to take time off and share in household responsibilities as well as let women back into the workforce.

Conclusion: Gender equality prevents violence against women and girls. It’s essential for economic prosperity. Societies that value women and men as equal are safer and healthier. Gender equality is a human right.