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Microaggression at workplace

Have you ever felt a pit in your stomach during a work conversation, unsure if something was truly offensive or just “awkward”? That sinking feeling might be a microaggression at work. These seemingly minor, often unintentional comments or actions can create a daily maze for marginalized employees, chipping away at their confidence and sense of

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Implicit Bias in the Workplace

Have you ever passed over a perfectly qualified candidate for a promotion because they went to a different school than you, or felt an instant connection with a colleague who shares your taste in music? These seemingly insignificant moments might be the invisible hand of implicit bias at work. Unlike blatant prejudice, implicit bias is

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Ageism in the Modern Workplace: A Persistent Challenge

One might assume that in today’s workplace, discrimination would be a relic of the past, given the heightened awareness among employers, HR managers, and employees regarding the importance of fostering an inclusive work environment. However, it’s disheartening to observe that age discrimination persists in the modern workplace. Ageism in the workplace occurs when a candidate

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“Beyond Boundaries: Women’s Triumphs and Challenges in the Corporate Sphere”

Why Organization Should Want Women in the Workplace? At work, we all hope to be recognized and appreciated for our skills, accomplishments, and unique contributions. However, recent research conducted by scholars in business, psychology, and sociology sheds light on the collective experiences of women in the workplace. Some of these studies confirm intuitive notions, such

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Demystifying neurodiversity at the workplace

What do you mean by neurodiversity? “Neurodiversity” is a word used to explain the unique ways in which people’s brain works. No two brains function just alike. Neurodivergence means that the brain functions differently from an average  or “normal” person. What do you mean by neurodiversity at the workplace? A workplace that supports all types of ways to think, learn, interact and perceive the world support

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Diversity & Inclusion Training

What is Diversity & Inclusion Training. Why is it important for Organizations?

Diversity is the practice of including people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, geographical locations race etc.Workplace diversity is the new normal. Business leaders everywhere recognize diversity in all its forms as a competitive advantage. Diverse perspectives drive creativity, innovation and foster a feeling among employees

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