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10 Key Diversity and Inclusion Statistics In 2023

Diversity and Inclusion Statistics

There is a need to employ people from a diversified group in our workplace. Workplace diversity has significant advantages that are forthcoming in the article with Key Statistics for the workplace. Through Diversity and Inclusion Statistics, it is observed that a diversified group of people enjoy more revenue individually and the organization too benefits  in term of top line and turnover.

Diversity isn’t just about employing people of the different race, color, age, or sex, but diversity in true terms is about employing people from any educational qualification with needful skills, employing people of diverse age groups, including millennials, Zen Z, and Zen X, and also employing from different geographical areas, gender and sexual orientation.. Some of the Key Statistics for the workplace that makes you reconsider your workplace strategies are as follow.

Key Diversity And Inclusion Statistics In 2023

1. Companies with diversified workplaces enjoy 2.5 times higher cash flow per employee.

One of the most astonishing diversity inclusion statistics is that Diverse companies are outperforming the industry median and have seen a spike in Cash flow per employee up to 2.5 times. That means every single person enjoys a better salary or a part of the increased revenue has been positively invested in an opportunity for enhancing skills and equitably offering learning opportunities to every employee.

Based on the policies, these increased revenues can help employees to have organizational loans for major life expenses like medical surgeries, marriage, or buying properties. Some Indian organizations are already working on such policies and helping employees to enhance their lifestyles and live healthier lives.

2. Diverse management has been shown to increase revenue by 19 percent.

Diverse management here refers to people at  managerial r positions rather than employees at an executive level in any organisation. Among key statistics for the workplace, we need diverse employees at management,level  i.e., people at managerial posts and above, also It  plays a significant role in boosting revenue growth. Research indicates revenue growth of 19% when the management of the organization is diverse and effectively advocates diversity in the workplace.

3. Gender-diverse companies are 15 percent more likely to surpass industry median financial returns.

When your organisation enjoys financial returns more than the industry median, it signifies that everything is going right and you are going places. Also, as per the study, Gender Diversity matters for your organisation to outperform. According to stats, companies that are gender diverse are likely to surpass the industry median, which means majority of gender-diverse companies surpass the industry median. Still, out of all companies with gender diversity, there are 15% chances that you are getting things at the right place. Also, people and processes do matter in the growth of an organisation.

4. 3 in 4 job seekers and workers prefer diverse companies.

Now that we have seen most of the crucial benefits from an organization’s perspective, one of the benefits that is a common choice for employers and employees is that 75% of the job seekers are looking for an opportunity in diversified companies.

So, at some point, if an organisation is looking for qualified and professional individuals and if you have a diversified workplace, you are already attracting 3 out of 4 potential individuals.

5. 25% of Heterosexual Married-Couple Families Live on a Single Income

In a survey, it is observed that among heterosexual married couples, 25% of families are living on a single income in which one gender is working whereas the other one is looking after children and family. In the most expensive phase of all time in history, 1 out of 4 married couples seems to struggle with earning and work-life balance simultaneously. Surprisingly, these figures are coming from the most advanced nation in USA.

6. Around 20% of Heterosexual Married-Couple Families, Only the Husband Was Employed.

When we talk about gender-based responsibility of earning for families’ bread and butter, around 20% men are seen to be working for the family (when we talk about only 1 person of married couples working) whereas, in 8% of cases, women are single-earning family members.

7. 42 Percent of Women Have Faced Gender Discrimination at Work.

One of the most concerning Diversity Inclusion Statistics is discrimination faced by women in the workplace. Still, 42% of women feel biased behavior and discriminated against at the workplace.The figure includes opportunities for promotions, unbiased pay scale, etc.

Surprisingly, women are higher in number to complete a four-year degree and yet face discrimination in the workplace.

8. Men Are Twice as Likely to Be Hired, Regardless of Hiring Manager’s Gender

One fact in the hiring process is that irrespective of whether the hiring manager is a male or a female, men seem to be hired twice as many as women, which is a stereotype an organisation should break. These figures show that the hiring process is the one to focus on to enhance gender diversity in any organisation.

9. 8% of Fortune 500 CEOs Are Women

Among Key statistics for the workplace, something positive is that in 2021 women made up about 8 percent of the CEO workforce at Fortune 500 companies. This led the number of women CEOs to total 41, which is the highest it’s ever been.

10. For Every 100 Men Promoted to Manager, only 86 Women Are Promoted

Let’s talk about promotional opportunities that women receive out of MNCs. According to statistics, the gender ratio of promotions as managers is 1:0.86. That means, for hiring a well for for promotional opportunities, men are preferred over women.

Again, a balanced equation to this point is that despite women facing discrimination at the workplace in terms of promotions and payscale, and when women contribute 46% in the workforce in the USA, 1:0.86 is quite good, which can be enhanced for sure.

So, in conclusion, a diversified and inclusive workplace has had a greater impact in terms of brand value, revenues, and from employees’ perspective as an option in the market to work for. So overall, you, as an organisation shall definitely think about advancing your workplace to be a highly diverse and inclusive workplace.